Wednesday, January 17, 2007


My first post in the 04S34 blog! For a start I shall put up pictures from events involving the class (or part thereof) from the past years. (In chronological order) Hopefully these pics will make you guys recall the wonderful memories we had together. =)


JTS 2004 @ Swensons Changi Airport

Eve of O Levels results day

Last day of 'first 3 months'

STJ 2004 @ Marche Suntec

Class photo 2004

HCJC Homecoming Carnival

MAF 2004

Mong Seng's birthday BBQ


Steamboat @ Marina

Cycling @ East Coast Park

JTS 2005 @ Soup Restaurant (San Zhong Liang Jian) Orchard

Class photo 2005

Post-A Levels Sentosa Outing

Senior Promenade 2005


Shuk In's farewell dinner @ Modestos Orchard

MAF 2006

Time passes really fast eh? It has been 3 years since we came together as a class.

Anyway there might be pics of some events that I don't have. (eg. Orientation campfire, Faculty chalet, STJ 2005 @ NYDC Suntec, MAF 2005, Post-A Levels class BBQ, etc) Pls contribute and share if you do!

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