Sunday, March 18, 2007

helloo s34 kids!

this entry is in repsonse to saykai s commendable efforts for keeping this class blog alive - respect!
okay.. sooo.... life 's been pretty aweesome in melbourne - sweet independence & understanding more of the world's diveristy, although there has been occasional cravings for 3dollar chicken rice of ke ai ji, and yes, even the chinese food at hwachong canteen. arghh. i shant start.
havent got any pictures though - haha i am not much of a photowhore.. but.. i will try.
and talkin about youtube... go and search for... japanse magician + burger, and look at him take a burger out from a bilboard and eating it..
anyway, just a shout out:
i really miss you guys!
and although i dont quite like the idea of kbox (i m tone deaf lah, okay?), i really really wish i could go for the class outing. bahh.
shuk out.

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