Friday, July 13, 2007


hey guys! it's the summer break :)
anybody back in singapore for vacation?

well how are u guys doing?
if you have any interesting things to share, please post it here!

thanks and regards

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Kbox gathering

thanks for coming! :) see ya next time

Thursday, May 3, 2007

exams are over!

it's time for a gathering :)
are you guys free next weekend? 12 may 2007.
please reply by leaving a comment to this post.
thanks! and suggest an activity. maybe Klunch? haha

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

i heard
(yes a chinesee song in aussieland!! can yu believe it?)
and i
(as instant as instant noddles!)
thought of yu dudes
yes, yu yu yu and yu. and yu too!
i misss 04s34 lahh!
and if yu miss 04s34 also,

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

everybooodyy powerrclick below:
and get your
ps: i tried copying n pasting mine but somehow it didnt work. urrgh.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

helloo s34 kids!

this entry is in repsonse to saykai s commendable efforts for keeping this class blog alive - respect!
okay.. sooo.... life 's been pretty aweesome in melbourne - sweet independence & understanding more of the world's diveristy, although there has been occasional cravings for 3dollar chicken rice of ke ai ji, and yes, even the chinese food at hwachong canteen. arghh. i shant start.
havent got any pictures though - haha i am not much of a photowhore.. but.. i will try.
and talkin about youtube... go and search for... japanse magician + burger, and look at him take a burger out from a bilboard and eating it..
anyway, just a shout out:
i really miss you guys!
and although i dont quite like the idea of kbox (i m tone deaf lah, okay?), i really really wish i could go for the class outing. bahh.
shuk out.

hey 04s34!

shall we all meet up on 25 march 2007 (sunday)?
yeah let's go for lunch, followed by Kbox or movies :)

please reply me asap in the chatterbox. thanks!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Kbox outing

hey guys!

are u interested in going to Kbox during one of the weekends?
please click on 'comment' below to leave a message for us :)
state which sat/sun u are free.
most probably it's in the afternoon on either 24/3 or 31/3 (sat)
let us know if u can make it soon!


Sunday, January 28, 2007

keep this blog alive

hey guys,
keep in contact :)
will our dear friends overseas start the ball rolling?
post some recent photos or tell us how u are doing!
yeah thanks

take care!

Thursday, January 18, 2007



doesn't that just remind you guys of ME!!!
i have to say i really agree with rong ge that we are all lao jiao's already.
sigh. time pass so fast and so quickly.
all the best to everyone.

visit this site
damm cheesy

~stop touching my monkeys~

p.s. xy if you ever see this, juz wanna say this was one of the best entertainment you ever recommend to me.

~ice blue eyes~

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


My first post in the 04S34 blog! For a start I shall put up pictures from events involving the class (or part thereof) from the past years. (In chronological order) Hopefully these pics will make you guys recall the wonderful memories we had together. =)


JTS 2004 @ Swensons Changi Airport

Eve of O Levels results day

Last day of 'first 3 months'

STJ 2004 @ Marche Suntec

Class photo 2004

HCJC Homecoming Carnival

MAF 2004

Mong Seng's birthday BBQ


Steamboat @ Marina

Cycling @ East Coast Park

JTS 2005 @ Soup Restaurant (San Zhong Liang Jian) Orchard

Class photo 2005

Post-A Levels Sentosa Outing

Senior Promenade 2005


Shuk In's farewell dinner @ Modestos Orchard

MAF 2006

Time passes really fast eh? It has been 3 years since we came together as a class.

Anyway there might be pics of some events that I don't have. (eg. Orientation campfire, Faculty chalet, STJ 2005 @ NYDC Suntec, MAF 2005, Post-A Levels class BBQ, etc) Pls contribute and share if you do!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

1st class gathering in 2007

dinner @ manhattan fish market (ps)

the girls

look at the sumptuous dinner!

wen jia & jun rong

jia ling & jie ying

mong seng & say kai

jie ying & rosemary

you cheng & jun rong